How To Recruit a Parish Safeguarding Officer (Parish Guide)
- Decide on a role description for your post. Click here for a template
- Safely recruit to the vacant post following the Church of England Safer Recruitment Practice Guidance
- Inform Diocese Safeguarding Team of new post holder by emailing safeguarding@chichester.anglican.org
- Make sure the newly appointed post holder completes all necessary safeguarding training. Click here for details
- Ensure new post holder has the level of DBS check required in compliance with the DBS eligibility criteria. Click here for details
- If the post holder is taking on responsibility for processing DBS checks, they will need to register as the Lead Recruiter for the parish (contact Emma Lambert, Safeguarding Administrator for full details of how to do this).
- Ensure the new post holder has access to all the relevant records e.g. records of existing or past safeguarding concerns, training and DBS records.
- Update the Safeguarding information that is made publically available in the parish, e.g. noticeboards, website etc.
- IMPORTANT: The email address for your new PSO should not be their personal one but one specifically for the purposes of parish safeguarding matters. It should be accessed by the PSO and one other leader in the church for transparency, regular monitoring and to ensure continuity for future PSOs.
- Formally introduce and commission the new post holder within the parish
- Ensure they are adequately supported in their role. This is a crucial role in the parish and they are volunteering their time to help make the church a safe space. There should be regular meetings with the Incumbant to talk through any issues or concerns and the PCC should be supportive as well.